Science Library

I spent a great deal of last semester in search of the perfect place in the library to study (to little or no avail). Eventually it got cold and I got lazy and would just wind up in the study lounge on my floor instead. Which is fine. But, now it's a new semester and I've been searching with new vigor.

Turns out I've been looking in all the wrong libraries. Where I've needed to be is the Science Library. More specifically, the basement. It's this glorious place. The study desks are marvelous; they've got lights and individual outlets and shelving and drawers. It's everything a girl can want in a desk. But the most wonderful part of this dungeon of a place? No one is there. It's like the best kept secret of Bing. I was down there for three hours and saw two people. So perfect.

Unfortunately, it closes at 10 on weekdays. But, I think this could work. It allows me a break while I walk to the Bartle library. Fresh air is good. Yep yep.

"I am intrigued by the smile upon your face and the sadness within your eyes."
-Jeremy Aldan

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