There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique.
-- Martha Graham
I have just watched the most gorgeous dance theatre performance.
My photo is really bad. I so should have taken a photo of the stage, but by the end I just had to sit and think and sit some more and talk and ponder.
It was a double-bill. The first piece, Second Coming, was about audience expectations, breaking the fourth wall, and the blur between truth, honesty, lies and make-believe. The second piece, Winter, Again, explored how the winter season simultaneously transforms and exposes us to the elements, like a metamorphosis with feathers, fur, blood and bite.
I was fortunate to have some of these incredible dancers come and work with my 11-13's Youth Theatre last term. How lucky were we?!?!?!!
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