
By Odofuran

Last Day

Went into Mie today to see two friends and their baby in the morning. Had to get up early to make it out on time, but luckily the husband had a day off, ad with it being my last day in Japan for a month, I had to go and see them. Once they had the baby, it really cut into their ability to hang out. And then they are going traveling the next month or so too, so perfect timing.

It was a lazy hangout, pancakes and a movie, and the baby. He's gotten so big. Only 2.5 months old but big as a 6 month baby. Last time I saw him, Christmas, he was a whiny little guy, but this time it was mostly smiles. Towards the end, he got cranky, but by then I was heading home. Good luck to them at the doctor's office.

That''s one thing I enjoy about not having a kid yet. I really want to be a father, but I like that my relationships with kids are short term. Once the kid gets cranky, pass it back to the parents and I can relax. I loved teaching my kids, but I was glad that I never really had to deal with a truly upset kid. Class was less than an hour, and then mom and dad's problems again. While I can't wait to have kids, I don't look forward to the fact that they will be mine to deal with, all day, every day. Because as cute and fantastic as kids are, they are also assholes, selfish completely unconcerned about your well-being.

I took this picture of Nagoya from the train coming back from Mie. There aren't that many skyscrapers around the city, so I can always tell exactly how close I am to being back in Nagoya station based on these towers. And just something about this picture has a kind of vintage feeling to me, like from an old magazine, that I enjoy.

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