Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

The Slab

This is a photograph of my spiritual home - the uncovered terrace in the South West corner of the Recreation Ground at Aldershot.  Tonight we played Halifax, and for the first hour or so we were superb.

Sadly, the referee and the linesman in our half were not so superb and during the second half they made increasingly bizarre decisions which basically gifted Halifax the three points.  I'm not sure I liked Halifax too much.  They were big and physical and kept on pulling our players shirts, yet when one of our players had the temerity to lightly touch one of them, they fell over screaming like babies, conning the referee into giving them free kicks.  I really didn't like the way that they kept surrounding the referee and whinged in his face.  During the first half, I thought he was gaining control of the game when he booked a couple of them for poor gamesmanship, but he didn't seem to bother in the second half.  Maybe he was getting as cold as we were and was just wishing that the game would end.

A tough defeat, but another game coming up on Saturday.  I've got a good feeling about this one, and think we're going to win 8-0

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