Running a bit behind

Tuesday 8th December 2020


"Come in number 8, your time is up!" Joseph's sarcasm was well known. "If he doesn't emerge soon I'm off to explore," Jake replied, bending to pick up his rucksack. He was keen to explore this new place they'd all found themselves in. "He always was one for sleeping in," Sarah commented. 

With thanks once more to Hanulli, Teba and H0Tamer. It's so exciting seeing who is going to emerge next. All the little people are well and looking forward to their adventures. 

Oh, if you're wondering where the 7th is .... number 6 was a chocolate snowman ... and I am afraid he is no more. 

In other news, a friend came round this afternoon to deliver my birthday present. It wasn't raining at the time so we decided on a walk so we could have a chat. I took her down into the village so she could see our Christmas lights. When we were at the furthest point away it decided to pour down. We were soaked by the time we got back and I had to peel my trousers off, they were stuck to me. It was good fun though and so nice to meet up again.

I've backblipped yesterday as well.

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