All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cake with Lucinda

Why is it that the later Ethan goes to bed, the earlier he gets up? 9.30pm bedtime last night ... up at 6.30am this morning when he came through to our room! Fortunately he did go back to sleep in our bed till just after 8am but he was still tired for a lot of the day.

He did well at his swimming lesson today though. His swimming instructor confirmed at the end of the lesson that she feels he is ready to move up to the next level which means going in the pool without me. Ethan seems quite enthusiastic about this but I keep chopping and changing my mind about whether I think he's emotionally ready.

He had a 1/2 hour nap in his pushchair at lunchtime but woke up when his pal Lucinda came round with her mum for a playdate. They brought fairy cakes with them which went down VERY well, especially with Ethan and Lucinda!

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