3M or MMM ....

If you get that!

Well here I am at 3000 blips!!!! Oh my goodness. I can’t believe I’ve reached this milestone.

I’m so grateful for this amazing site that connects people, through photography, from all over the world. And somehow we’ve become part of each other’s lives. So far away, but yet so close.

Thank you for all your comments, hearts, stars, encouragement and love. I truly appreciate your support over the years.

And for the wonderful team at Blip Central who keep this site going. Thank you.

I’ve had an emergency cake order today, pic in extra. And despite not feeling 100% today, managed to make my own celebratory cake.

I also had lunch with Minna as she flies out tonight to the States for who knows how long. I got a bit emotional as I don’t know if I’ll see her again :(. We might be gone from HK by the time she comes back. These are such uncertain days.

Off to enjoy some yummy cake now ...

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