Imagine the view....

By btc

Coventry St £260...

...Coventry St links Piccadilly Circus to Leicester Square and does not have a lot on it, you can walk the entire length of it in about a minute but it does however have this lovely statue on its corner with Haymarket.

The stature is the 'four horses of Helios'. Helios was the Greek god of the sun. Each day he drove his golden chariot across the sky, east to west. At night, he would rest before crossing the sky the next day. His chariot was made of gold and pulled by 4 golden horses: Pyrois, Eos, Aethon, and Phleyon.

Talking about stampeding animals though I have the misfortune of heading into South Kensington this afternoon, London's museum area, now I quite like my children but I have never been keen other peoples children, so being forced (yes forced) to go to the History or Science museum in half term is my version of complete hell. Just being on the tube train getting there was enough to make me turn round and go home, walking to the museums through the tunnel I start thinking of ways to kill myself, then once in (after suffering horrendous queues) all that is in my mind is how long I have to be there before I can get out.

Anyway that's my moany old git rant over with, thanks for yesterdays comments, stars and favs. Hope you are having a good evening . Matthew rolled a 5 by the way.

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