The day to start is today

By Traci

Happy Thinking Day

It's been 40 years since I was first introduced to Thinking day, and every year since I have thought about an ever increasing number of people that have meant a great deal to me, and still do.

My Blip is of one of my most important treasures, a representation of that 40 years and my achievements during that time.

Thinking day is the joint birthday of the founders Lord and Lady Baden Powell of the Scout and Guide Movement, and a fitting day to choose to celebrate each year amongst its members on an increasing scale all over the world the friendship and commonality of promise of all its members on a now global scale.

My Rainbows have enough of a problem getting to grips with the fact the Brownies follow our meeting and they are quite big and loud... so the global concept is a bit beyond them but one day they will realise how far reaching we all are.

I have met quite simply the most important people in my life through Guiding, and all my girls enjoy lots of our life together with guiding (whether they want to or not). I have friends all over the world through the fact that we came together at some event or another and have stayed in touch for all these years. In fact my daughters are long time friends of daughters of a daughter of a friend that my Brown Owl introduced me to, it goes on and on.

It's not just about the friendships, it's about the personal challenges and giving you the confidence to try, and it does that in bucket loads. I also feel responsible to put my little penny worth back and it's brilliant to share those experiences and encourage that enthusiasm with the girls that will carry these traditions on into the next century of Guiding.

It can be a struggle as all the commitments are as a volunteer, but this becomes more of a way of life. I gain so much more than a couple of quid for a couple of hours each week.

I was trying to think of my favourite Guiding experiences, but it comes back to the people I have shared them with. From holding the biggest tent pole in the biggest storm (Julie) to experiencing the most glorious Swiss scenery at Adelboden (Joan) to suddenly driving a run away steam train (Beverly) and it's keeps on happening, hopefully for another 40 years (there's always the Trefoil Guild !!! Love you ladies )

To all Blippers who also happen to be of the Guiding persuasion (and everyone else of course) wishing you the happiest of Thinking Days for the 22nd, have a wonderful day.

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