Not a lot happened today. There was no bangs and crashes in the middle of the night and no ice and snow to prevent me cycling to the pool. From now till the solstice it will stay darker for about 15 minutes longer in the morning but won't get darker any earlier at night.
Whilst the sun shine this morning I did some hoovering, was shamed into (unsuccessfully) doing something about the manky windows, fixed the gap in the guttering and fiddled with a TRV.
Later I did some resuscitation on the soutdough starter that had been in the fridge for 14 months and hauled out the breadmaker to make some non soutdough with dried yeast 6 years beyond its BB date. It seems to have turned out ok. I also redrafted the Christmas letter and actioned the Touchnote overseas cards.
My Debenhams order arrived, to be kept and more internet gifts were bought.
Willow had a stand off with the tortie and white that lives over the back. Later she ended up on the garage roof surveying the front Street with great interest but seemingly unable to work out how to get down.
Later I finished 'The Announcer'. Disconcertingly the main male actor has a look of Jack Lemmon about him.
F2F - 4
Phone calls - 2
Virtual - 0
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