The Trench

I am determined to avoid future cable cutting ( see yesterday’s blip). So I decided to dig a trench, install some protective pipe, and have threaded a cord through.

The more I read online about cables being left just below the surface the more I want to make sure it is protected. I did discover some protective covering a metre or so from the wall but thereafter just the cable.

Our friendly robin ( close up of robin and view of trench in the extras observed my work, delighted at the insects and worms I unearthed.

It just means my plan to turn the front lawn into a rose-bed or something similar has been advanced.

My mobile’s data should allow us to survive with tethering. The TV is another matter as I disposed of our roof aerial last year. The indoor aerial just about works but it brings back memories of holding the aerial up to get the best possible picture. We can get either the BBC channels or the independents (STV/ Channel 4) but not everything with the aerial in one position.

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