
21 again ;-)

Took bus into town, hate roadworks, journey longer than normal. First time been into town since think beginning March.

Had a lite bite to eat with CW & nice bakery treats each then a walk around parts of Holyrood Park as some bits were too muddy, stopped at the swan pond & diverted onto the road as water overflowing the path.

Watched the last of the sunset on the way back.

Edinburgh City silhouette.

Bought flowers, fish supper & bottle of raspberry apple rosé pressé on the way home for me to enjoy tonight. Too full up for any cake :-D

Spoke to family on videocalls, feels not natural for this technophobe but maybe will get there eventually.

Nicer weather today with some blue sky.

Being in town around folk at a distance feel exhausted. Dragon mask did well to keep folk away.

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