Saturday sunset

Wet overnight but dry. Long local walk and out for quite a while . 
We kept Fletch off most of the grass as it was wet and muddy most of the way. 

Back home, I logged on to the Camera Club virtual weekend again.. Took a while to log in despite going on in the morning.  Our task was to create a mind map on the last year, our thoughts and feelings on 2020 and related to our photography as well as our general feelings. An interesting exercise. 
I marked one of my highlights as meeting up with Flavia 13. Nice to realise we'd met up more than I had realised, although I'd still like to meet up more .

Our 2nd task was to go through all the photos we'd taken last year and select one a month, one we were particularly  pleased with. Another interesting exercise.

Fletch was ready for a walk about 3:45 and it was still quite light, so we walked up to the Cav dock, only 4 minutes away. The air was very crisp and wintery and there wasnt a breath of wind. Some fishermen were setting up their tents for the night ( looked like green igloos) I hope theyd warm sleeping bags , the temperature was already 5 degrees.
 I'm glad we walked there as the sunset was stunning. 

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