We had a good Zoom service at Church this morning when the second candle was lit - to symbolise Peace.  Many Baptist churches celebrate Communion once a month, and ours is celebrated on the first Sunday morning of each month.  Today as part of the service, Mr. HCB and I led Communion - this may seem strange to some people, but it is allowed in a Baptist Church.  However, although we both said it seemed strange to be doing it on our own, we did feel connected to our church friends and it’s the act of taking communion and remembering that is important.  

Following a quick Zoom chat after the service, we went out to Lechlade to take two jars of chutney to some special friends, Heather and Michael, who supply me with jars - so it’s the least I can do to share the chutney with them.  Obviously, we didn’t go in and I wore a mask because my friend is shielding, so having left the bag on the doorstep, I moved back and then she and her husband picked it up so we had a very brief conversation.  It was so good to see them and made me realise how much I miss actually seeing people. 

We then went for a drive around the surrounding countryside, but it was very murky, as you will see from my shot, and it rained quite a lot - but again, it was good to be out and just enjoy the winter landscape, especially as we haven’t been out since the start of the second lockdown.  We saw three red kites, which is always a thrill for us and it was worth going out just for that wonderful sight.

This is Cotswold country, so there are many Cotswold stone walls, some of which, as you will see in my extra, are falling down - I guess partly because of the bad weather, and you can see how wet it was by the huge puddle in front of the right hand wall.

We were only out for a couple of hours, but it was good to give the car a run and we enjoyed it too.  We saw this log at the side of the road, just outside Quenington, and it did look rather derelict, so this is my offering for Derelict Sunday and there is even some pareidolia there, which will please my Blip friend, LSquare!

We are having beef, roast potatoes and vegetables for our meal this evening and we also have a bottle of red wine to finish after using a very small amount for Communion this morning.  Good job we aren’t going out anywhere this evening!

Jesus said:
““I have told you these things, 
     so that in me you may have peace. 
          In this world you will have trouble. 
               But take heart! 
I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 NIV

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