Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Skiing with Friends

After a few mishaps earlier on in the week, James is now enjoying his skiing... once I've got him out!

He and his friend Henry have this habit of not wanting to ski in the afternoon with us. When they are finally persuaded (after much bribery with sweets, promises of swims, films, time on iPads, etc... I think you probably get the picture!) they really enjoy their time out. Anyway they had a great run this afternoon and were in good spirits.

I had my last lesson of the week. All red runs today!! This is a big leap forward for me and I have to be honest, I really have to put mind over matter when I'm at the top looking down these really steep runs. But when I get going, it's ok so I'm hoping to get more practise in, in the last few days.

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