Perked Up!
Thanks for all your lovely comments yesterday - I feel much better today and got myself into the kitchen to make the Stollens.
I love making stollen and find it so therapeutic measuring out the flour, sugar, yeast then chopping nuts and figs, grating lemon zest and mixing it all with the dried fruit and spices then kneading.
I had bought two types of marzipan for in the middle, one was the normal golden type and the other had French brandy in. I have to say the plain one is the best but the brandy one is quite nice too. The aroma while it was baking was wonderful.
I also made some scones for Frank.
We recorded a film earlier to watch this afternoon after all the baking was done. 'A Yorkshire Christmas' sounded like a nice film. So we settled down and switched it on.
We soon realised something was amiss - namely Part 1!
Amelia and Lucy go to the local school which is a Catholic one but Sabrina and John are non believers. They are quite happy for the girls to go to this school as it's good both in education and discipline and it's close by.
Little Lucy has started saying prayers at the dinner table and last night made the sign of the cross and thanked Jesus for things and said a prayer for people then said 'and please bring Grandma and Granddad back here Thankyou.' Then got on with her dinner - so sweet :-)
We all feel better now the decision has been made and we all know where we stand. We can just concentrate on making our own individual Christmasses nice and we'll all be safer.
It was a dry sunny day today.
Enjoy your Saturday night everyone :-)X
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