Mother Shipton

By MotherShipton


this is Basil. He is the most bad tempered member of our family but he is around 22 years old which is very old for a cockateil, I have had him since he was a baby.

He now sleeps a lot due to his age and this is the first year he has not bothered screaming the house down on the first bright day of spring. He does not like to come out of his cage and he does not like you to put your hand in, any intrusions will be pecked as hard as possible....and that is very hard. Hence the shot from outside the cage looking in.

He is a huge character in the house and plays his own jokes on people. He often makes faces behing my husbands back, he can wolf whistle and whistle some lines from "pop goes the weasel" He knows how to get my attention if he needs something.

This shot was taken using my daughters compact. Maybe I will need to try harder with my Olympus to get some good shots of him before he is with us no longer.

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