for the exposition of Mischa's and mine photos next week in the Carolinum took all day. It had to be done despite my cold. Without Piet Hein I could not have succeeded. A day with much snow, a tiny little sunshine, a little bit of snow, etc.
The birds happy with their supply and more and more of them come, now the ground is thickly covered with snow again.
Looking through the windows during the day even for a moment filled me with joy, the view upon the white buildings in the valley, the quietness, the birds and look there is the stray cat again. I did not see her but heard her miauw's.

My haiku:

Stay inside, beware
Of the unhealthy cold now
I used to enjoy

And the proverb from the world treasury book of proverbs edited by Henry Davidoff looking under illness there are only two of them. I choose this one:

Better wear out shoes than sheets.

I wonder if a cold is an illness, it feels not nice but it leaves soon enough.

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