'The Crown'

What a horrible day! We were woken up in the middle of the night by the most horrendous thunder and lightening ever. Well thunder and lightening don't bother me so I just went straight back to sleep. Ann didn't! And then when we eventually got up, the whole world was covered in slush because it had also snowed in the night and because it had rained so much all the snow had turned to slush. So I had a very slushy walk but at least it wasn't raining. However, the minute we got back indoors it started to rain. And it has never stopped all day?!! It's been really dark and horrible. We've had to have the lights on all day.

Thank goodness Ann has signed us up to 'Netflix'. We haven't even had it for three weeks yet but in that time we've almost watched all of 'The Crown'. Today we binge watched three episodes. And yes I do watch it. I especially like the scenes that have the Corgi's in, though if I woof at them I get into trouble.

However, because Ann is such a nice owner she took me out in the pouring rain this afternoon to play with my ball. We were the only people in the park because no one else seems to take their doggies out in the rain. To be honest I only played for about 20 mins but 20 mins of ball playing exhausts me. It was a bit difficult sometimes to see where the ball was though because it was so dark. I'm hoping that Santa will bring me one of those illuminating balls for Christmas.

And now we're back home and are obviously in for the rest of the evening because, let's face it, in these days of lock down there's not actually anywhere to go in the evenings. Normally in December, Ann is out & about doing lots of pre-Christmas eating and drinking. But things aren't normal this year so she's stuck 'home alone' with me.

I'm watching the 'Secret Life of the Zoo' just now because that's my favourite programme, but once I've watched that, Ann says that we might watch the last couple of episodes of 'The Crown'. And then we'll be looking for other things to watch. …......................Suggestions please peeps.

Happy rainy, cold, dark, Friday evening.


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