A is for Abstract
I see an A every time I look here so thought it was about time to let you see it as well. Can you guess what it is?
An enjoyable day today .. I popped to Mum's to pick up her shopping list, then Morrison's to do my shop, Mum's shop, plus find an indoor Xmas arrangement for Jean to give to a neighbour. Shopping completed I went to meet Josie at Jack's Patch garden centre for a long overdue coffee & catch up. 21/2hrs later it was time to head back. First to Mum to drop off the shopping, then home to Mr Happy. Okay, I'm joking, wishful thinking ....
I'm sat here eating a banana purchased at Morrison's, it has a SH Pratt sticker on it, well I had to investigate. I'm used to seeing Fyffe's or even a Geest sticker, but never SH Pratt. The bananas were picked in Ecuador, & ripened in Luton by SH Pratt in one of the largest banana ripening centres in Europe. I remember a school visit to the Geest banana ripening unit that was based in the next village to our primary school when I was a pupil. That was a few years ago ... lol!!
Have you guessed yet? :-)
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday
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