Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Family History

I spoke with my sister this morning and she was complaining about the lengthy conversation she had with our late Mum's partner yesterday.  She felt that 2 hours 16 minutes and 55 seconds was way too long and complained that it was David who was doing all the talking.

I rang my sister this morning and we talked for an hour or so.  I then rang her back this afternoon and she was gassing for another hour and three quarters.  I hope she doesn't expect me to believe that it's David who is the chatterbox!

My sister has developed an interest in our family history since our Mum died earlier this year, so I've sent her some information that she wasn't aware of.  This included this photograph of our paternal grandmothers maternal grandparents (our Great Great grandparents) George Brown (29 January 1851 to 9 March 1913) and Mary Ann Hopper (17 January 1854 to 17 October 1909).  I guess these pictures must have been taken around 110 to 120 years ago which makes it pretty awesome.

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