
By memento

Zipper madness

The preparations for our trip has exited the list-making and ticking-off phase and has entered the "what-shall-I-pack-to-be-fully-outfitted-and-comfy-without-taking- the-whole-dang-house phase".

Our suitcases resemble casual duffles on wheels and are terrific in that they have plenty of room and zippered pockets to stuff with the odd item or two. They are ideal for the manner of packing which I refer to as slam-packing (laying all clothing items in a pile and soft-rolling them into a shape that resembles the cavity that they will fill) and then stuffing smaller items into the remaining spaces and zippered cavities - of which there are no less than seven.

This is a test of the macro capability of the point and shoot/Picasa download/edit blip-system.

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