Against black!
A follow on from yesterdays blip and linked to my photography club challenge which is Red.
I think I've made a mistake this morning using the Lensbaby. The limited depth of field doesn't work too well with the bulbous shapes of the pomegranates.
I tried with black AND white backgrounds; broke open the ripest and photographed it in lots of different positions. Now I'm covered in splashes of red juice but I still haven't got the image I want!
It should be a printmaking studio day today but my head has been too focused on photography and I haven't done the necessary preparation. (I'm away to do that shortly.) One of my photos won our club `open digital print' competition last night (we had an external judge - I feel sure it wouldn't have done so if it had been an internally judged club competition). So I was over the moon. Late to turn the light off last night and early in making a trip to the bathroom - so I am not well slept today.
I'm going to have lunch next and then get down to some serious drawing/ plate making.
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