Unstructured Visions

By unstructvisions

Aliens Like Football?

For my class I had to construct a panorama and I *knew* exactly what my subject would be.

Ranger Stadium. Period.

I love the Texas Rangers. Baseball is my favorite sport and they are my favorite team. Their ball field is classy and timeless and perfect.

Perfect for me in every way. Except one way. One little, teeny way.

Nolan Ryan is using the off season to make upgrades to the outside of the stadium and it looks like a war zone! No one ran this by me to make sure it fit into my schedule.

Luckily for me, the other team that is houses in Arlington is literally next door. I just picked up my tripod, walked 100 feet, and snap, snap, snap.

My panorama.

I have to say. I make the Cowboys look good. I guess someone has to.

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