
By FarmerGirl

Flared Nostrils

This morning started early with TB testing at 6am. Even though the cows were not being milked while in the shed, they were on edge having someone different feeling their 'behind'. There was crap for miles - the poor man testing the cows even got crapped on. It went all down the outside of his overalls which was bad enough, but worse still, it also went inside and right down his chest. This has happened to me several times, so I know how he felt - absolutely yuk ! Luckily he carried spare overalls with him, so he quickly changed after he had finished the job.

While putting the cows away about 6.45am, there was a beautiful sunrise, so using my iPhone, I took a photo of it, thinking that was my blip taken care off. Talking to Kiwilizzie this afternoon, she told me that she had also taken a photo of it, and had already blipped it. Have a look at it here. So, back to square one, and out with the camera again this evening looking for a new photo for today.

Walking around the farm, a couple of horses appeared at the boundary of our farm. This one was really frisky, and stood there with flared nostrils, looking at me. It was posing beautifully.

We had a beautiful sunset tonight, which means another hot day tomorrow. We are praying for rain, the paddocks are starting to turn brown, while the cracks are starting to appear in the ground. It appears that a large amount of New Zealand is becoming very dry, with parts of the North Island about to be declared a drought area. Farmers are selling their stock, and with no rain in sight, the market will be flooded with stock for sale - thereby reducing the price they receive. Very sad for the poor farmer. Lets hope it rains soon.

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