
"Many people are afraid of Emptiness ....... because it reminds them of Loneliness. Everything has to be filled in, it seems - appointment books, hillsides, vacant lots - but when all the spaces are filled, the Loneliness really begins. Then the Groups are joined, the Classes are signed up for, and the Gift-To-Yourself items are bought. When the Loneliness starts creeping in the door, the Television Set is turned on to make it go away. But it doesn't go away. So some of us do instead, and after discarding the emptiness of the Big Congested Mess, we discover the fullness of Nothing."

(The Tao Of Pooh, Benjamin Hoff)

There are very few books that I have read more than once. I'm so pleased I picked up this gem from the drop and swap. I read it many years ago, and it remains as delightfully profound as ever.

Cottleston Pie

Become a child. Frank will show you The Way.

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