Rose (Day 2032)

Day two on the shower room re-fit started with an early morning excursion to town to collect the sheets of wet wall for the job, then back through to Stenness to get them fitted.
It went surprisingly well and I was almost done by the time the sparkatrician showed up to do a little bit of wiring for me. He was hours earlier than I had expected, but he got on with his stuff while I got the wet wall finished off.
I spent a while getting the shower heads on the wall, and organising the control box in the loft. The plan was to get everything connected up in the loft, but the fittings I was sure were in the van weren't. 
I finished up with a clear up of the room and got the shower tray sealed. 
Tomorrow should see me nearly finished. 
No pictures today except for a macro of one of  my beautiful wife's roses.

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