Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

Torbay Dawn

I woke up early enough to have a cuppa while deliberating whether to drive to the coast for dawn.
As you can see I made it in time to enjoy the subtle tones before the sun rose above the horizon.
Unusually I decided to drive a few extra miles to Paignton where, according to a CC judge last year, the pier is much 'nicer' than Teignmouth's.
That maybe so but it wasn't  the aesthetics of the Victorian structure that persuaded me but the fact that I had the time to chose. 

So, I smugly left home in plenty of time, drove 20 miles and managed to park right at the spot where I wanted to be. 
Retrieved my camera bag and then started looking for my tripod.
No tripod! 
I then remembered that JD had cleaned out the car at the weekend.
(IMHO a small price to pay as it was me who had to dispose of the old carpet.)
The tripod had been removed then and not put back ......$£*! 

Luckily (for him ;-) ) the beach huts that stand along the prom, have been removed for winter but their metal foundations remain thus giving me a level to balance my camera on.
However, this also meant that my composition was very limited

I must say that it makes a pleasant change for me to get a blip in the bag before breakfast 

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