Light & sight

By CameronDP


Although I remember sitting in classrooms at school not always being able to read the blackboard because it was...well, all a little bit squinty, I somehow managed to reach my late 20s before being officially diagnosed as short-sighted. A little bit short-sighted at least. Even then I resisted wearing my specs full-time for years, only putting them on when I really needed to. If I was paying £12+ to see a film at the pictures, then I was flippety-flippin going to make sure I could actually ...well ..see it..
Nowadays, every time I go to the opticians - which is frankly not that often - they say tell me they need to increase my prescription: as if they didn't say exactly the same during my last visit six years previously!! I don't like the sound of that really.
I did have a brief and indiscreet oocular dalliance with contact lenses a few years back. It brought the world into sharper focus, I have to admit that, but I really couldn't get the hang of sticking my fingers in my eyes every morning!

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