A spectacular sunrise and then the grey descended pretty quickly so not much light today. An old window always does it for me and this one was on the top storey, the window slightly ajar, the lace just about hanging on in there and the ivy encroaching.
We've been hard at it and I only popped out to post a letter. Me wrestling with holy wells and Himself wrestling with tongue and groove in the bathroom - a spot of revamping going on.
We come out of Level 3 lockdown tomorrow after 6 weeks. Most things can re-open apart from wet pubs ie those that don't serve food. This decision has had a mixed reception. No socialising inside and complicated rules about who you can meet outside. I don't think there'll be a lot of change in our lives though I might venture into Bantry tomorrow to get some bird food and body lotion! I know how to live alright.
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