Return of the Hedgehog
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,
I believe I mentioned the hedgehog is back a few weeks ago. But here is the photographic evidence. It is a little blurry, but we try not to disturb the little fellow while he is eating.
Caro was delighted to find that he actually USES the "hedge-hole" she had the fence guys cut out for us! He squeezes his little bottom through it to both enter and exit the garden.
Caro is now looking to buy a "hedge-house" which is a thing you can put in your garden that is filled with hay, and presumably, happy hedgehogs. But she is having issues. Hedgehogs are considered a pest in New Zealand you see.
"A pest!" she snorted.
So she may have to IMPORT one from the UK.
"Can't you just get a man to make one?" I asked. And then added quickly, "Not ME, obviously. I mean a proper man."
She nodded. We understand each other.
So her plans are afoot. I'll let you know how this works out. But if we end up with a family of rats living at the bottom of our garden in a lovely hand-made box, don't say I didn't warn you.
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