Christmas Comes Early

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Well, it came early in relation to the actual date. Not in relation to the stores and such. 

Caro did all this. I did nothing. This is unlike me. For years, I was The Keeper of The Tree and would happily put up our tree every year. 

I remember when Caro and I had our first Christmas, I bought a green tree - but all the decorations were SILVER or BLUE.

She wrinkled her nose at it.

But once the tree was up, she could see what I was getting at, and had to admit the tree was beeeeeyooootiful.

And so it should be. I got the idea from John Lewis. 

When we got cats, we had to scale back the tree because of kitty attack. John Lewis saved the day (again) and I bought one of those Christmas twigs. You know the thing. Like a bare, leafless tree with lights on the end. It was lovely, and Punky did not attack it.

One year later and Jasper entered the picture. That was the end of the twig. We have not had a tree since. 

Of course, Jasper is an older, mellower fellow now. We would have been safe to get a tree in New Zealand but... sigh.... My heart was just not in it. 

Hence Caro. This year she bought a WHITE tree. Which I thought would just look horrid and fake. My parents had a white tree, but that was the 1970's so that tells you all you need to know about it really. 

However, Caro put it up today and it was beeeeeyoooootiful. 

Perhaps traditions can be restarted after all. 

I shall endeavour to find pictures of the blue tree and the twig and to post them in the extras. 


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