Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky


I couldn't resist blipping another shot of the village basking in the sunshine with pristine snow on Canigou. I went to Perpignan to see a specialist in the morning and had fairly good news - no great concerns and no need to go again for six months or so. The weather was overcast at the coast with low cloud and mist, what they call, "entrées maritimes." As I drove back and gained some height I was back in lovely sunshine. I hosted the local French conversation group in the afternoon before phoning the Mairie to check they were increasing the electricity supply so we can put in a few more radiators without tripping it out. They have inspected the undercroft where a couple of enthusiastic parishioners converted a small, derelict room into a potential chapel and have told us that it does not conform to regulations due to access by steps. Also an earth cable was cut and the uninsulated plaster boarding is causing condensation to rise up the walls.  This could rise into the church itself apparently. It will have to be removed. The moral is never to undertake work in France without all the necessary permissions!

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