morning balloon ride

It wouldn't take much hot air to make this balloon fly today, because the temps are below freezing! I'm guessing it's pretty cold up there in the basket, too.
I've had the opportunity to fly in a hot air ballon two times. The first time was with hubby for our fifth anniversary. We were living in Virginia at the time and it was a lovely warm summer day. I remember feeling as if time stood still, because it was so quiet and peaceful. The second time up in a balloon was twelve years later, here in Colorado. It was for hubby's 45th birthday and we took our two small daughters with us. That, too, was in the summer, but still it was a chilly morning. And this time it did not seem so peaceful - I was concerned about the kids getting cold, or bored, and the noise of the burner was much louder than I had remembered. Still, the champagne breakfast after landing in a field was just as good the second time!

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