St Andrews

Happy St Andrew’s Day to any followers who celebrate. My credentials are as follows: although born in England, for 18 months as a young child we lived in Scotland in a small village outside Stirling; I attended St Andrews University ( founded 1413 )for 4 years, where I met and later married my Scottish husband, and we have two half- Scottish sons. This picture was taken approximately 40 years ago and captures an ancient tradition unique to St Andrews- Raisin Monday when first year students receive a receipt ( the propeller round my neck!) for the raisins * they have given to their academic father : a third or fourth year student who gave guidance and support - we also had “ mothers” and in turn became parents. *now more traditionally alcohol rather than raisins!
As you can see my “ father” has five charges and he chose to keep us altogether. Only a few weeks into term, no wonder I look so wide eyed! ( I’m far left) We then proceeded to the quad where second year students threw flour and water. Oh happy days! And yes I will be eating haggis tonight.

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