
Bit of a lie in then put lights up in the kitchen and did some web surfing before arranging a walk with MH. Despite a very misty day, unlike yesterday we decided to head out anyway and went to Dalkeith country park. We chatted about her viva and how to prepare as we walked....annoyed to find our plan to do the old oaks walk was blocked both ends (apparently to let the tree roots recuperate so fair enough) so we had to freestyle a bit but it was fine and we happily wandered around.
Rewarded ourselves with a look around the shop there - always beautiful stuff and a great collection but we mused why we’ve never actually bought anything!
Coffee outside and chat about work challenges through the Covid times and the vaccine opportunities, then headed home. I stocked up at the supermarket after dropping her off and then made some florentines and tidied up before making a haggis neeps and tattles supper. Seem to be getting into a habit of massive Sunday night dinners at the moment - no wonder I’m needing to do so much exercise!

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