Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

chop chop work work busy busy bang bang

so............ Can I point out that I am not actually working at the moment and that all these meetings are for VOLUNTARY things.!!?!?!

SO. Forgot the travel cup this morning but there was Proper Coffee - cafetieres and everything. (the Tea was rubbish but I had a coffee) LONG session of things to do with Benefits reforms and local community response and so on. It's hard to talk about including all society in these things when you KNOW that people are not going to be included.

Met all sorts of people that I knew from all sorts of places and actually feel I spent a big part of today just saying Hello to folk!

By the time I met friend for coffee (which was actually a chance meeting in the chemists at the end of the day of discussions) I was sufficiently wound up and angry / excited about things to contemplate going to sell Socialist Worker magazines on the street corner.

Came home, ate Indian food with neighbour A. Chilled and remembered to Blip something! Notes from the meeting; Several pages of, hand written, and Official gubbins.

Tired. NO. Meetings. Tomorrow. Except the one I've got to go to with a Lawyer!

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