Garden centre ......

.... that didn't happen !!
I really wanted to go to the G/ C this afternoon but the queue to enter was soo long , I abandoned the idea . Decided to go for a stroll instead , blipped this shrub as I was walking through the car park but couldn't find the name of it. I thought it was very pretty. Then further down the road I saw this lass getting a ridding lesson plus this little pony , a bonus!
We had a lovely Advent ( 1st Sunday in Advent) Zoom service , next Sunday we will be in church -- great. Great Advent hymns telling us of "waiting" but the sermons theme was of Hope and Love. All very correct for this situation we find ourselves in. Hope that we will come through this awful virus and Love which we need each and every day non more so than now.
Hope your Sunday has been good and safe.
The Rev came and fixed the radiator and put a rather switch handle near the shower ( in case I take a tumble) and my daughter and I watched and joined in the zoom service .

Grateful ..... for all the help I've had today ( must say help has been continuous) thank you so much.

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