Look 'Dorge', a tree
A bit of an eventful day. I was giving a talk about anticoagulants at the University Centre this morning and so I actually got to be home in morning daylight for a change. It was nice to be able to see Owen take 'Dorge' pig out to see the Christmas tree in the garden before I left. The talk went OK and the students seemed to like getting to have a go at using the CoaguChek analysers that we use in clinics.
It was all over a bit quicker than I really anticipated so I decided to go for a run before settling down to do some work at home. Two miles in a paving slab came up to meet me and I went down, after a couple of steps, to meet the floor. I must have hit it with some force and I ended up in the road (thankfully with no cars anywhere near) and with a split trainer*. Shaken and sore, I walked home feeling a bit sorry for myself and by the time I'd got myself cleaned up my shoulder had swollen up so much that I looked 'lop-sided'.
I'm pretty sure there's nothing broken and it's just soft tissue damage...but it's bloody painful!
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