National holiday

Helicopters flying overhead for most of the day, dark rain clouds and generally quieter.. surreal.
And a busy day with student counseling re course work, including more than an hour with one of my Romanian guys whom I also taught last term. He needed to offload, I think he's broken up with his girlfriend, which he'd already hinted at, is lonely because he works too much, overwhelmed with the study because most of this cohort didn't finish school so it's all new. Worried about money, especially growing up poor he said. Earlier I'd been hearing stories of how the women raise kids, study this full-time course and work.. the sacrifices they're making to get through this foundation program and get to Uni are admirable. They're overwhelmed but they're keeping going. 

I managed a short walk but that wasn't so nice tonight. Police everywhere, literally hundreds. And many just stopped outside the US Embassy. I asked a couple of times what was going on. As I'm backblipping I can tell you there were protests today related to above and they got a little heated because of the whole mask thing and lockdown. Not the night to be walking late with so many out to catch me if I'm not home before curfew. Oh yes, we now have a 9pm to 5am curfew.. 

What a day - tired.. I got home a few minutes after 9, light dinner - home made cream of cauliflower and bacon soup and just stopped! 

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