The next day...

By Spiderboy

7:54 AM

Not early....but a lovely frosty sky to wake up to.
Our road is peaking early with the Christmas decorations. We can't put up a communal tree this year as we are not able to we have agreed to " adopt" individual trees and decorate them and go a little overboard with the outside of our houses....with a light up scheduled for 4pm today........we are going to have a mince pie and mulled wine outside our houses as well !!!
It will be fun !!!(ish)
Lockdown is beginning to hurt. We have learnt that when it ends we are going into Tier 3.....just as bad...but the swimming pool will re-open so that will help take up a bit of each day.
Quite a bit to do next week......bit too early to buy our Christmas tree yet....but it would give me something to do !

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