I think I'm getting old.
And I just know in making that statement, I am putting myself up for some flack.
But there are three reasons - at least - that I think this is the case.
Firstly, I visited the Trafford Centre in Manchester today for the first time ever and it seems very big. Is it the biggest centre in the country?
And secondly, is it just me or was it very loud in there? I know there are hundreds of kids off on half term at the moment and they all seemed to be there today, but it was noisy. How do people work there?
And finally, on my way to a job later in the day, I listened to a 'Barista' trainer on the radio - not wireless! - trying to convince the world that the job of a coffee maker was an extremely complex and demanding one and included not only making the coffee but greeting the customer and making him/her feel respected, and their custom appreciated.
Sorry. But in the good old days this was surely called 'Customer Service' and was expected by customers as a matter of course. When did that all change?And how long can it train to make a cup of coffee for goodness sake?
Apparently there were 1900+ applications to Costa this week for 8 'Barista' jobs in Nottingham.
Surely that says more about the state of the nation than and our economy in general than, with all due respect, the position of coffee maker.
See. I'm getting old!
On a lighter note, I was at the Trafford Centre to visit the Genius people at the Mac store. I don't wish to speak too soon but they seem to have resolved my 'slow Mac' problem.
And I treated myself to a coffee while I was waiting for my appointment.
This is just to show that other coffee shops are available.
Isn't that right 'Feet Well Travelled?' (And my next cup from there is free!)
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