
By lynnjones7186

Not on the menu

The restaurant we went to last night has a fish pond. It is quite a big one and actually has a bridge over it, which leads to the restrooms.

We always knew that the owner of this restaurant used fresh ingredients, what we didn't know is that her vegetables come from a farm where her mother lives and works. Last night her brother arrived in his utility vehicle with a delivery of fresh veggies. The staff soon had everything off loaded and stored in the kitchen. There were around six large sacks that had us fascinated. They were obviously quite light. The owner told us that it was sacks of garlic. Apparently there was a large harvest this season. The owner, T, plans on packaging the garlic and selling them.

There's nothing much else to report today. The weather remains warm and dry, but the water in the pool is cold, despite this we still swim every day.

Stay safe and well.

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