
By Saffi

Puddles of sky

SCC have got their work cut out for them filling all the pot holes on the roads. Fortunately for them this lane wont be on their agenda.

Inspiration has been flagging lately but I am still around! The hip is doing well and I now walk without sticks and can drive again and get into the bath!

The farm hasn't changed much although it is beginning to dry out but no progress on cornplanting. We sold our first bunch of beef cattle this year at Frome Market and they did extremely well, thanks to the invasion of horse meat!

One tragedy though, our heaviest steer which should have gone to market with the others but didn't because it didn't have the right size ear tag - two the same size when one should have been larger than the other - had to stay back until we had retagged it and it has now injured itself. It is either muscular or it has injured its spine. Unable to get up the animal is still eating and drinking. The vet has been called and she has injected it. If it doesn't get up in a couple of days the rules state it will have to be shot on farm and sent to a casualty abattoir. The meat will enter the food chain if it is found to be fit for consumption and not bruised (meat pies etc). A vet will issue a certificate just before it is shot stating that the animal was otherwise healthy and not suffering with a fever etc. So now we have to care for it and wait ....

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