
By brambleblossom

The sun pushes through

Weak and wintry was the sun as it tried to push through the thin veils of cloud. 
As Bramble and I walked I tried to recall the events of yesterday, the days slip by and seem difficult to recall in detail later. 

We took LBB on a woodland trek , without a buggy but 2 grandparents ready and willing to be his carriage if required . We didn't get too far before a toddler sized stream, with the perfect flow of running water adjacent to a good supply of suitable stones  was spied. 

After a surprising length of time we resumed our climb of 'The Steps.'
They provide enough challenge in a short space to get the heart going without taking up too much time . At the top we picnicked !
LBB loved going up and down the steep steps, we all got a workout of sorts.

I am lucky enough to have quite a number of God children , 8 in total , some now grown up and others still children . We posted off advent calendars to them all after our walk . I don't usually but it feels important to find as many ways as possible to let people know that they are in your thoughts at this upsetting time. 
Three of my God children are also my nieces.  Like me they suffer, on and off,  from high anxiety- all high functioning and no one would ever guess. It makes for some excellent and satisfying conversations. We are convinced it's linked to our genetics as I am  at least the third generation and they the fourth that we know about.  We got  good skin that tans easily and seems to age fairly well , an excellent dry sense of humour, food intolerances and anxiety. We can trace it through my dads side , we have several  dozen cousins who suffer the same as do their children. I try and be open about it as it's just something that needs managing like asthma. 
I had a long and fulfilling chat with my Goddaughter / niece who has just started a degree Mental Health Nursing. She seems to be doing most of it online , on her phone and from her bedroom due to the current situation . Not surprisingly she is feeling isolated and struggling to stay motivated . It was very good to talk . I am full of admiration !

Today , now , we are heading into the loft to retrieve Christmas / advent decorations  plus have a BIG CLEAROUT  eek !

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