Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Venetian Mask

The little white face mask shape was given to me by a friend who visited Venice in 2008. She suggested that I might like to 'artistically' alter it, but I have never got round to it, and like it as it is :)

This week I am preparing to go to a Masquerade Ball on Saturday night! Its my friend's 30th Birthday and what a wonderful way to celebrate :)

It seems appropriate to show you the mask today because I'm going to go and buy a mask (hopefully) this morning in our local fancy dress shop (unless the other guests have bought the shop dry.... Apparently they have drawers and drawers full of masks!

In other news I have got a cough and a really sore throat (and I am really cross that its happened this week when I'm looking forward to Saturday so much). It means that I'm not sleeping very well and also its my busy week at work :( Hoping to feel better very quickly as I don't want to not go on Saturday having made the effort and bought a dress etc!

Today, off to buy the mask in a minute :) to work this afternoon (and I have a supervision meeting that should have happened in October, which I am really not looking forward to. It should have happened yesterday and didn't because it was too busy....) I will be so glad when this meeting is over!

I had major, major problems with Picasa today, but after downloading it again from the internet, it is finally working again! I don't have any idea why that was, can anyone help me?

Again, apologies for not replying to comments or commenting on all your journals! This is a very busy week for me!!

Have a great day blippers :)

Later I didn't get my review again today :(

I'm feeling so ill with this sore throat, it feels like tonsillitis and off to bed as soon as I've had some tea and fed Billy....might end up at drs tomorrow which is the last straw at the moment :(:(

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