The cookery course is entirely Ul's suggestion: "You like cooking this and I like eating it". However, I learnt to motorbike so Ulrich must learn to cook. This is a large, useful and undeniable nut squirrelled and ready to lob whenever occasion demands.
It's a great day. Always good to occasionally venture out of our bubble and meet other people. Our compare is the larger than life Gay - Gay as in not gay gay but gay, who whipped the sexy-boys round the kitchen - though I don't think she tried it with Ul, possibly recognising one too easy to scare off.
I'm not really feeling up to 6 courses of Thai food. My stomach churns at every dish and I limp through. This does mean that Ul can feed even more fatly all day. His own food (and foray into cooking) surprises him with the ease it's prepared, its good looks and tastiness.
We blissfully stagger to the airport as the sun sets. It's very good to be going back to Bangkok. Not even on the other end of the world can my parents escape their homing 30 something child. . .
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