The Shepherds got it Wrong

The shepherds this morning got it wrong, at least so far, but at the time it was a very dramatic warning in the eastern sky as I left the Dower House to walk down to Maggie’s with my muffins and biscuits.
For the end of November it was relatively mild but every now and then a gust of wind with a hint of Siberia in it would remind me of what winter really feels like.

I got home in time to make an early phone call to the doctor’s surgery to arrange an appointment with the practice nurse to take my BP and agree with me that my readings from the new machine are way too high and I need to go back on the pills I have taken in the past. Simples? Not so.

What I got was 3 mins of a prerecorded message telling me all the places other than the surgery I could get help if I had anything ranging from Covid symptoms to minor injuries plus anything in between. Eventually with perseverance, I managed to speak to a receptionist, who appeared to be acting as a sort of triage doorkeeper. I spelled out my problem and a doctor whom I have never ever had any dealings phoned me back to arrange a visit to the desired practice nurse.
Phew , that palaver made my BP reading go through the roof. I hope we get back to normal surgery routine pdq after the vaccine kicks in.

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