Lace Curtains?

Damp and mizzly today but a good one for catching up with stuff. A small Christmas cake and a Christmas stocking have gone whizzing their way to New Zealand. It will be an odd Christmas for all of us this year (I sound like the Queen!). We are due to go into Lockdown Level 3 next week which means a slight lifting of restrictions but not much. More shops can open but travel is still very restricted as are gatherings. I fear Will and Barry won't be able to come over as usual for not only are we being advised not to consider travelling there aren't any flights to Cork, and then there's quarantine to think about at each end should you use the ferry or go to Dublin. I fear more small Christmas cakes will have to do the business instead.
A quick nip out to the pond for today's Mono Monday challenge - a bit of  a breeze and the light going.

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