have you heard...

...the info

about how covid-19 could be prevented?

the other day - i mentioned how i was - feeling torn in two - directions lately; one to watch - the news the other to turn away - from the atrocities of it - i haven’t found resolution - and don’t believe i ever will - mostly i am trying to figure out - a balance between them - so i don’t get overwhelmed

but as i’ve been viewing - the news there have - been some constants which - occurred to me - note i am not a scientist - not a doctor or a specialist - with vast knowledge regarding - this virus attacking us right now - however i do have common sense - i was raised to be smart - when in a sick environment or around - sick individuals and i was taught - to pay attention to those - who are smarter than myself - i was also taught that - when it comes to illnesses - like the flu - (which this virus is similar to) - simple procedures will help - to prevent it and keep - it at bay - in fact, the general population - has been taught these same basics - and listened to them regarding the flu

how is it then - that they ignore - those same tenants - when it comes - to covid? - about this, i am confused

those basics, which would prevent this virus - from spreading are

-wear a mask
-wash your hands
-maintain a 6 foot social distance

these are not difficult to do - don’t present a challenge - to any of us - are easily adaptable into - our living routines - and if they’d have been implemented - and followed on a national level - even a worldwide level - 8 months ago - in an orderly, systematic fashion - millions of lives could’ve been saved - nay, would’ve been saved - it needn’t have turned into - any kind of political agenda - because it isn’t one - it’s a health agenda and one - of healing our nations - so we can all have...


happy day.....

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